This page contains links to documents which were viewed by NP Advisory Committee members and includes minutes of all meetings.
Getting Started (Word Document, 171 Kb)
Briefing on how to start the Neighbourhood Plan
NP planning chart (Word Document, 25 Kb)
Chart of progress of stages in Neighbourhood Plan.
Terms of Reference (Word Document, 39 Kb)
Advisory Committee's terms of reference
Boundary Map (PDF, 1.2 Mb)
Boundary map of Ab Kettleby Parish
Community, NPAG, 20171004 (PDF, 217 Kb)
Community Assets etc. 1st draft Policy
Housing draft, NPAG, 20171004 (Word Document, 48 Kb)
Housing Theme Group 1st draft of Policy
Environment Draft, NPAG, 20171006 (PDF, 2.3 Mb)
First draft report of the Environment Group.
Inventory, NPAG, 20171006 (Excel Spreadsheet, 320 Kb)
Inventory or map analysis of Parish.
Heritage Guide, NPAG, 20171006 (PDF, 1.4 Mb)
Good practice guide for local heritage planning.
- Minutes of NPAC meetings
Minutes of all meetings held by the Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee